KFNWO Assistance Programs
KFNWO is crucial to providing information and assistance to the 5000+ individuals on dialysis in our service area. Our efforts encompass providing essential support such as transportation to and from dialysis sessions, assistance in purchasing life-saving medication, provision of nutritional supplements, and funding for medical equipment. Details and requirements for each program are as follows:
- General Assistance Program: receive up to $500 worth of transportation assistance, medication assistance, or nutritional supplements per year. Must financially qualify.
- Emergency Assistance Program: receive up to $150 per year. No financial qualification is necessary. Emergency assistance can be used for transportation, medication, utility bills, medical bills, nutrition supplements, blood pressure cuffs, seat cushions, medical IDs, etc. It will not be disbursed in cash.
To apply for these programs, contact your Social Worker and have them reach out to us at info@kfnwo.org so that we can provide them with the proper forms.

PURPOSE: This program provides ongoing financial assistance for income-qualified patients in our service area. Consideration will only be given after all other forms of assistance have been explored. Assistance is intended to supplement the cost of a particular need and not necessarily intended to cover the full cost.
- Chronic Renal Failure (requires dialysis or transplant to sustain life)
- Live or receive treatment within the service area of the Kidney Foundation of Northwest Ohio
- Under the care of a social worker that can apply for assistance
- Income at or below 200% of Federal Poverty Guidelines based on household size. Proof of income must be provided.
- Participants can choose ONE of the covered services below.
Needs Funded
- Transportation assistance
- Renal Medications (approved medications only)
- Nutritional Supplements
PURPOSE: This service is intended as emergency assistance for essential medical and non-medical needs. Consideration will only be given after all other forms of assistance have been explored. Assistance is intended to supplement the cost of a particular need and not necessarily intended to cover the full cost.
- Chronic Renal Failure (requires dialysis or transplant to sustain life)
- Live or dialyze within service area of the Kidney Foundation of Northwest Ohio
- Under the care of a social worker that can apply for assistance
- No financial requirement to qualify
- Available one time per year
Needs Funded
- Transportation (medical purposes only)
- Prescription Medications
- Nutritional Supplements
- Durable Medical Equipment (seat cushions, blood pressure cuffs, etc.)
- Utility bills