KFNWO recognizes the importance of taking preventative measures to combat the prevalence of chronic kidney disease in our community. Research has shown that regular exercise and a healthy diet can be effective tools for preventing obesity, which is a leading cause of type 2 diabetes, and a contributing factor to chronic kidney disease. However, we also understand that adhering to dietary suggestions can be challenging due to factors such as food accessibility, income, access to cooking equipment, language, access to technology, and cultural dietary preferences. Therefore, we have compiled a list of resources that consider these factors.
Disclaimer for any nutritional recommendations: This material does not constitute medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only. Please consult a physician for specific treatment recommendations. Diabetics should work closely with their physician and a registered dietitian to create the best plan for themselves.

Links To Helpful Programs
Eat Right Organization
Low-income Dietary Resources
Black Dietary Resources
- National Organization of Blacks in Dietetics and Nutrition
- Plantbased and Broke, Aly Michell
- African Heritage Diet
Kids Resources
Latino Dietary Resources
- Latinos and Hispanics in Dietetics and Nutrition recipes
- MyPlate US Department of Agriculture in Spanish
- Latin American Heritage Diet
- SQACC, Culinary Education Nutrition and Responsible Eating
- SQACC Summer Camp, Arts and Eats
Additional Resources
National Kidney Foundation (NKF), Nutrition and Chronic Kidney disease, Stages 1-5
NKF, Guide to a Low-Potassium Diet