Donate Now
100% of your gift is used to help patients in Northwest Ohio.
For over 50 years, gifts from generous donors and friends like you have been vital to the mission of the Kidney Foundation of Northwest Ohio. Today, your support – whether to our annual giving campaign, support of an event, or a planned gift for the future – remains more important than ever as we work together to impact the lives of those living with kidney disease. We are making a difference in prevention and care through education and direct services.

If you would like to give now through our website click below:
Unrestricted Gifts
Unrestricted gifts, given with no restricted purpose, are especially encouraged. These give the Kidney Foundation the flexibility to take advantage of special opportunities and to meet emergency needs. Income from unrestricted endowment funds will be used for priority needs determined by our Board of Directors.
Gifts by check should be made payable to:
- Kidney Foundation of Northwest Ohio
- 3100 West Central Avenue, Suite 150
- Toledo, Ohio 43606
A cash gift is tax deductible as provided under current law.
Publicly Traded Securities
Transfer of appreciated publicly-traded securities to the Kidney Foundation. This type of gift avoids capital gains tax and allows the maximum tax deduction for the full market value of the gift.
Bequests in Your Will
A simple way to leave a lasting gift. Bequests provide the opportunity to perpetuate an important cause for future generations, and enhance estate planning in a way that permits you to accomplish estate objectives. Every dollar that is given to a qualified charitable organization through a bequest or other testamentary gift is fully deductible for estate tax purposes when certain legal requirements are met.
Retirement Plan Assets
You can give all or part of these funds, both during your lifetime and/or at your death. This type of gift may have estate planning benefits, because income in respect of a decedent associated with the asset may be taxable to heirs, but not to charities.
Life Insurance Policy
You can designate the Kidney Foundation of Northwest Ohio as the owner and/or beneficiary of a policy. You will receive an income tax charitable deduction for the donated policy.
Charitable Remainder Trust
Allows you (or other named beneficiaries) to receive lifetime income. Upon your death the remaining principal creates a fund at the Kidney Foundation. You receive an immediate charitable deduction for a portion of the gift and avoid capital gains tax.
Charitable Lead Trust
This type of gift will create income for the Kidney Foundation for a specified period, after which the remaining principal is distributed to named beneficiaries. Gift and estate taxes are reduced with this type of gift.
Revocable Living Trust
This trust is created during your life primarily to control the disposition of your estate after your death. Creating a revocable living trust can produce several benefits, including:
- Costs and delays of probate are minimized
- Estate plan avoids public scrutiny
- Freedom from day-to-day investment and management responsibilities
Legacy of Life Program
A donor or a family member can be remembered in perpetuity by giving a legacy gift. Please contact the Kidney Foundation of Northwest Ohio to find out more details concerning this program.
To establish a gift – follow these simple steps:
1. Consult with a tax attorney or financial advisor
2. Talk to your family members and define your charitable plans
3. Determine which asset or giving vehicle you will use
4. Contact the Kidney Foundation of Northwest Ohio to discuss options that will best suit your interests and needs. We can help you create a personalized plan.
Planned or deferred gifts allow donors to make a significant gift that will benefit the Kidney Foundation of Northwest Ohio in the future, typically at the donor’s or beneficiary’s death. We welcome the opportunity to work with donors and their legal and financial advisers to establish planned gift arrangements.
In many cases, planned gifts offer donors substantial tax advantages and financial benefits, such as lowered estate tax liability or increased spendable income. Donors should consult with their own advisers as to the specific tax consequences.