

Dr. Da Rocha-Afodu, MD. and Jamal, who is living with kidney disease, discuss the challenges of the disease and how the Kidney Foundation of Northwest Ohio is making an impact!



Kidney Foundation of Northwest Ohio Poem by Ella

K – is for your kindness you show everyday.

I – is for the interest of  helping us each day.

D – is the determination you put forth everyday.

N – is for never being discouraged whatever others say.

E – is for the energy in every call.

Y – is for the years that you never let me fall.


F – is for a future that I can look forward to.

O – Looking out for others because that’s just what you do.

U – is for understanding the questions I ask.

N – is for not giving up the task.

D – don’t be discouraged when someone tells you no.

A – is to advance, to help people grow.

T – taking time for those who don’t understand.

I – is for the invitation that makes you so grand.

O – outstanding service you give.

N – not giving up – to give me the will to live.

 That’s the Kidney Foundation and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done for me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Ella